We are living in very interesting times with the coronavirus spreading around the world. Each day the United States and the world changes in a new way to combat the current coronavirus outbreak. Part of what makes this time so scary is it’s hard to know what to believe. Some people say it’s no worse than the flu. Other people say it could completely cripple our healthcare system. It’s already wrecking having on the stock market and the economy in general. In my city just last night the order was given to note allow anyone to eat or drink in restaurants and bars and coffee shops. School will be online for the time being. Companies are laying people off and freezing hiring. And it goes on and on. I’ve found that companies offering to help during the coronavirus crisis has been a tale of 2 sides.
This Feels Wrong
Credit Card Companies
When the coronavirus outbreak began to gain steam and was in the news more and more I started receiving emails from credit card companies. They began with language like “we are here to help in this time of crisis” and would continue later with “if you need a line of credit extended during this difficult period feel free to contact us”. Excuse me? You are letting me know that if I lose my job and can’t pay my bills because of the coronavirus you’ll KINDLY ALLOW ME TO CHARGE MY CREDIT CARD EVEN MORE? Gee, thanks so much. For nothing. I mean seriously, what kind of crap is that?And you will even allow me to increase my line of credit so I can owe you MORE MONEY? This is called taking advantage of the situation in a way that benefits YOU and not ME. This really rubbed me the wrong way in case you can’t tell.

I have seen announcements from several utilities companies in my area regarding how they are here to help during the coronavirus crisis. Know how they are going to help? They won’t shut off my power due to non-payment for the next 60 days. Gee, thanks? I mean, initially it’s like, that’s kind of nice. Then as I began to process it more I was like wait, that’s really the only decent thing to do. It’s not like I won’t owe you the same amount, you’re just willing to let me slide another 60 days on my payments. Which is what you should do if you have one shred of empathy in your body. The part that grinds my gears about this companies offering to help during the coronavirus crisis is how they paint themselves in such a positive light. It’s like they are going out of their way to be “helpful” in this deep time of need. When in reality they are still gonna get their money, it just might be a little later than usual. But gosh darn it, they should be crowned saints for extending such a wonderful helping hand.
Cell Phone Providers and Carriers
Okay, I saw this one last night. And I about fell out of my chair laughing at the gall of this company. It was one of the cell phone carriers and it was all about how they were on the list of of the companies offering to help during the coronavirus crisis. The message was sugary sweet about how all the employees of that company were working EXTRA HARD to make sure we are all connected to our loved ones in this time of need. That is the only reason they show up to work each and every day. One person even said that was the reason they chose to work for that company – it had such a culture of wanting to keep people connected. Seriously? You work for a cell phone company that nickels and dimes me for each and every little thing. When I go in to the store for my “free” upgrade to a new phone somehow I walk out $150 lighter. But yeah, go ahead and spew that garbage in my face about how you work there so I can stay connected to my loved ones. Because you sure are one of those wonderful companies offering to help during the coronavirus crisis. Bunch of self serving jerks.

I Applaud This
Facebook is a great example of one of the companies offering to help during the coronavirus crisis. Know how? They are giving their employees (over 40,000 of them) $1,000. No kidding? Check it out here as announced by The Verge on March 17, 2020.
“Facebook is planning to give a $1,000 bonus to every employee to help them amid the ongoing novel coronavirus pandemic, according to The Information. The move was reportedly announced by CEO Mark Zuckerberg in an internal company memo on Tuesday. Facebook tells The Verge the bonuses will be distributed throughout April.
Each of the company’s nearly 45,000 employees will also get an “exceeds” rating for their first six-month review of 2020, which could lead to big bonuses that could be used to further help employees during the pandemic, as the median compensation for a Facebook employee is $228,651, reports The Information.
Some full-time Facebook employees have also apparently taken over some of the work done by contractors so those contractors can stay home. Facebook is also still paying those contractors while they remain home, says The Information.
Pretty darn cool.
Will not only of course continue to pay salaried workers they will also continue to pay all hourly workers who support their campus. This is good because many times hourly workers are the first to go in these situations.
Mark Cuban
Mark Cuban, who owns numerous businesses as well as the Dallas Mavericks, announced that all of his employees will be reimbursed for money they spend on lunches and coffee’s purchased from local, independent businesses. How’s that for a commitment to support your local business?

Shine Distillery
Shine Distillery, a distillery in Portland, started making and giving away hand sanitizer. Giving away. Now that’s awesome.
Adobe is giving K-12 institutional and higher education customers of their Creative Cloud app the ability to request temporary at-home access for all students and educators. The is being offered through May 31, 2020 at no additional cost. Keep on learning.
Amazon is hiring 100,000 new workers to help in this time of need. When company after company is laying people off, it’s wonderful to see a place where people can get hired.
There you have it, some of the companies offering to help during the coronavirus crisis. During this incredibly strange and challenging time some companies are laying people off. Some companies are stepping up and helping out where they can without any direct positive financial impact back to them. And unfortunately some companies put on the empathetic face and shout to the world how they are “there in this time of need” when from this perspective it just looks like a self-serving sham taking advantage of a country going through a tough time.
Hey, I guess it takes all kinds.
Stay healthy,
Mat A.