You see that calendar don’t you? The one that shows you Christmas is NEXT WEEK! And that the end of the year is barreling towards you like a freight train. I know, I know. You are alternating between excitement (or dread if you’re traveling a lot) for the holidays and Oh My Gawd how is this year already over??!! Crazy right? Don’t say I didn’t warn you. I talked about it right here in my post “Holiday jobs hiring now”. I talk about how fast the end of the year comes. It’s kind of weird but you think we’d be used to it by now. So since 2019 is almost past us, let’s take a look at what’s happening in 2020.
Your Effort

I think I’ve written a similar post around this time last year. Here is my point. What is going to happen in your world in 2020 is largely dependent upon you and your efforts. Something I think we only begin to appreciate as we get older is how the truly meaningful things in our lives take ongoing sustained effort to build into something great. This can be a great marriage, business, career, etc. I hope you’ve put some great effort into your little universe this year because if you did, it should bring good things to you in 2020. Let’s look at a few.
Career or Business
The vast majority of successful businesses that seem to spring up overnight have actually been years in the making. Along with the time invested let’s not forget about the sweat equity. The going to bed late or getting up early to help build the business. As you may or may not know (or care) I am in recruiting. I’ve launched my own side business the 2nd half of this year. Nothing big but it’s been fun and is basically my baby right now. It’s called “Rent the Recruiter”. I’ve been working hard to put together some partnerships the past few months. With a little luck this will begin to pay off in 2020. That’s my goal. Effort now for results soon.

Your career is no different. If you’ve slid and half assed your way in your job and career lately don’t expect magical things in 2020. Remember, it’s the efforts you put in NOW that will pay off soon. That’s the key. Work now. Success follows.
Your Health
You know what’s happening in 2020? Hopefully your health! I preach this to anyone who listens. And as you might guess not many people listen to me. But I don’t care! I’m going to continue to preach how important health is because I believe it thoroughly. I believe that being in good shape physically AND mentally is the single most important key to living a happy fulfilled life. Everything else in life flows from that. If you aren’t in a good place physically or mentally it just kind of taints the rest of life. I know when I have the flu or sinus infection that goes on for weeks I am really off my game. Both mental and physical health takes an ongoing effort to keep in a healthy state.
Ever heard that saying that summer bodies are made in the winter? Well, don’t let that affect all the holiday partying and eating you’re gonna do. That being said when January 1st or 2nd rolls around, it’s time to focus on you health. Both your physical and mental health. Always be working on your health.

Your Relationships
This is something that is top of my mind right now. As a matter of fact I just made my goal list for 2020 (yes, I am that type of guy). A new category for me was relationships. The reason for this was I realized I had been neglecting my friend relationships lately. I’ve been so focused on doing things like my side gig that I got into the bad habit of neglecting friend relationships. So that is one of my goals next year.
In my opinion there are a few key relationship categories you should pay attention to. If you are married you need to feed and water and pay attention to your spouse. It’s far too easy to get focused on the “must do” list of things to do that you can take your spouse for granted. And that’s not good. If you have kids I think those are very important to pay time and attention to. The rest of your family is pretty high on the list as well and finally you need to put effort into ongoing friendships. These are all important.
Relationships should most certainly be on your radar for what’s happening in 2020.

What Else is Happening in 2020
So, what else is happening in 2020? Well, I’d say it should be whatever is important to you. But first you have to know what is important to you. Do you? I find that a lot of people don’t really know what’s important in their lives. And I think that sucks.
One of my favorite books is by Susan Jeffers. It’s called “Feel the Fear….and Do It Anyway”. It’s great for a lot of reasons. One of the best ideas I got from it is making a grid of what’s important in your life. Could be 4 boxes or 6 or 12 or whatever. It depends on you. Mine happened to be 8. You put into those boxes what is important in your life. Marriage, relationship with kids, career, health, spirituality, etc. The goal is to put effort into each of these boxes that you’ve deemed important in order to live a well rounded and fulfilled life. It also helps you define what is important to you. I urge you to give it a try.
So, what’s happening in 2020? That depends on you. What do you want to happen in 2020? A better marriage? Make twice as much money? Start your own business? Run a marathon? Become the hot dog eating champion? Hey, it’s your life! You decide what’s important to you. Once you decide what’s important to you get cranking on making it happen.
To a great 2020,
Mat A.