10 Things To Make You Happy I’ve been really lucky. In general I have been a pretty optimistic person most of my life. I tend to see the good things that come out of challenges. Resilience runs fairly high in my veins. I look at the long view and understand that it takes persistence and…
Category: My Recommendations
Recommendations of my favorite things. Could be books, could be an exercise, could be an important life lesson learned that helped me do things a new way.
We Had a Retainer Party
We Had a Retainer Party Here’s what Memorial Day weekend usually looks like for me. The company I work for gives us a bonus day off the Friday before. I love this because we then get a 4 day holiday weekend. How awesome is that!? So what normally happens is I work on a huge…
What is the Best Lotion for Dry Skin
What is the Best Lotion for Dry Skin Summer is literally right around the corner. In my neighborhood the pool opens in LESS THAN A WEEK! Wow, how cool is that. This means a lot of your skin is going to be showing. Days in the sun can suck the moisture right out of your…
Prostate Cancer Symptoms in Men
Prostate Cancer Symptoms in Men Each year approximately 160,000 men are diagnosed with prostate cancer. Nearly 27,000 will die from the disease. Prostate cancer is the 3rd leading cause of death in men in the U.S. with lung cancer and colon cancer being the top two. Depending on where you get your information you will…
How A Lack of Communication Can Drastically Impact Your Career
Communicating Clearly Helps Propel Your Career The Power Of Communication The power of effective communication is amazing. A company that clearly communicates their strategy can get everyone working towards the same goal. Alternatively a company that doesn’t communicate strategy clearly isn’t going to get good buy-in from the folks that work there because they don’t…
How To Iron a Suit
How To Iron A Suit Looking your best is crucial when you’re in a professional environment. This is everything from having your hair combed to making sure your clothes are in the best shape too. Walking into a meeting with a wrinkled t-shirt and jeans just isn’t an option for many of us. For both…
Where To Go Memorial Day Weekend
Where To Go Memorial Day Weekend Memorial Day weekend is the perfect time to getaway with your family and loved ones. The federal holiday dedicated to remembering and honoring those who have died in war has developed over time into a weekend where people will travel and have the time of their lives. Many years…
Benefits From Getting Enough Sleep
Benefits From Getting Enough Sleep Not too long ago I read an adult truth that made me laugh out loud. It was something along the lines of “I can’t remember the last time I wasn’t at least kind of tired”. Besides making me laugh it certainly rang true. The days are few and far between…
How To Prepare For The Phone Interview
How To Prepare For The Phone Interview Will you look at that! The recruiter noticed your application and resume. You’re off to a great start! As a recruiter myself I know the online application system is not great. That being said if you have managed to get someone to see that you look qualified for…
The Best Mattress For Sleeping
The Best Mattress For Sleeping Kind of a funny title right? The best mattress for sleeping. I mean that’s what a mattress is for. At least most of the time. I have to think that’s the main reason why most people pick out a new mattress. The wife and I picked out a new mattress…