How Long Does The Flu Last in 2018? Well it’s really upon us right now isn’t it? Seems like every time I tune into any kind of news I’m hearing about how horrible the flu season is this year. That healthy people are dying because of the flu. That’s hard core. I’ve had friends who’ve…
Effective Listening Strategies
EFFЕСTIVЕ LIЅTЕNING STRATEGIES We ѕреnd оur lives bеing tаught hоw tо rеаd, hоw tо writе, аnd how tо ѕреаk. Wе gеnеrаllу hаvе very littlе training оn hоw tо liѕtеn. This can be a big рrоblеm ѕinсе liѕtеning iѕ a tор-lеvеl ѕkill in a wоrld whеrе thе ѕроkеn wоrd iѕ ѕо important. And to be honest,…
Why Am I So Tired
Why am I so tired lately? Lifestyles vary but being honest it feels like we are running almost all the time. I don’t know if you remember those commercials that drug companies used to run when they were pushing their latest “breakthrough discovery” pill. One of my personal favorites was the one that used to…
People Are Full Of Contradictions
People are full of contradictions Have you ever looked at yourself and realized how many times you get contradictory thoughts within a 24 hour time period? How many times you think about one thing and go ahead to do something else? How many of your principles have you been able to uphold in the face…
Why You Should Know Your Strengths
Why should you know your strengths Knowing your strengths and what makes you special can be difficult to admit for some people because they can tend to think of it as bragging and most of us weren’t raised this way. Also, many of us don’t even know what our strengths and weaknesses are. Somehow we…
What To Expect With A Colonoscopy
What To Expect With A Colonoscopy Well, when the big 5-0 comes around it’s worth circling the calendar for some great celebration time. I mean, come on, you made it 50 years! Go You!! After the champagne gets guzzled and you come to grips with your mid-life crisis there’s something else to look forward to……your…
How Can I Work From Home And Make Money
How can I work from home and make money? There are so many reasons why a person may have decided to work from home such as being retired but still wants to be actively involved in something and make money while doing so or maybe just a personal decision. Whatever the reason may be, working…
How To Tell If Someone is a Narcissist
HOW TО TЕLL IF SOMEONE IS A NАRСIЅЅIЅT Many of us have this mental image of a narcissist in our head. The one most of us have is what is termed an exhibitionist narcissist. This is the “look at me” type. It’s this guy: Sоmе nаrсiѕѕiѕtѕ аrе fairly easy to spot. It’s the person…
Is Your Spouse Your Best Friend
Is Your Spouse Уour Best Friend There’s lots of data and thoughts floating around out there regarding should your spouse be your best friend. This is how many marriages are born from, best friends who happen to bump boots from time to time. Or maybe all the time, just depends. But as we all know…
When To Walk Away From A Job
When To Walk Away From A Job Nobody goes through the process of interviewing and discussing and negotiating and finally accepting a job just to walk away from the job only after a short period of time. Sometimes getting a new gig happens quickly but most of the time it is an arduous process that…