What Is Being Selfish So your wife called you selfish……again. Trust me, I know the feeling. What is the deal with getting called selfish on a regular basis? When I think of a person who is truly selfish it does not reflect what I see in the mirror everyday. I have known some people that…
Category: Mental Health
All things Pertaining To What’s Going On Between Our Ears
Why Do I Feel So Tired All the Time
Why do I Feel So Tired All The Time Boy ain’t that the truth! One of the fun things about being an adult is it feels like you are constantly on the go. Going to and from work, taking the kids to practice or events, running errands. Then you have to mow the yard, do…
Things To Do Memorial Day Weekend 2018
Things To Do Memorial Day Weekend 2018 I’m lucky. I have a day job that gives us 3 extra days off in the summer. I’m never sure how to describe it to people. Do I call it “summer holidays” or “bonus days” or “extra days” or “summer hours”. Good question but really it doesn’t matter,…
Bad Effects Of Procrastination – Potential Pitfalls
Bad Effects Of Procrastination We’ve recently tackled some of the reasons why you might procrastinate everything. As I mentioned there’s many reasons why we all procrastinate, I attempted to explore some of the top ones. Beyond just the reasons why folks tend to procrastinate, it’s important to take a look at the bad effects of…
Why Do I Procrastinate Everything
Why Do I Procrastinate Everything Don’t you just hate it? You’ve gone and done it again haven’t you? That project you got at work 2 months ago is now “suddenly” due. And I mean the word “suddenly” very sarcastically. Truth be told you’ve had more than ample time to do it, you just didn’t. Now…
Dad Daughter Relationships
Dad Daughter Relationships Part of my job is to talk to people. Like a lot of people. I get to know them on business and personal level. It’s something I love about my job. Typically part of the conversation as I’m getting to know someone revolves around kids. Do you have any and if so,…
How To Do What You Hate
How To Do What You Hate Kind of a funny title for a post don’t you think? Shouldn’t it be something warm and fuzzy like “how to do what you love”? Maybe that’s a post for another time but for my money that’s a bit overdone and overrated. I think the more important question to…
What is Gaslighting Behavior
What Is Gaslighting Behavior Dо you ever gеt thе feeling that еvеrуthing in your relationship iѕ уоur fаult? Do you еnd uр admitting you did something to your partner, even though you know you never did, just to avoid yet another fight? Dо уоu finiѕh bу bеliеving thе thingѕ уоu аrе bеing accused оf, оnlу…
How to Achieve Success In Life
How To Achieve Success In Life Let’s start off with the simple fact that success in life means something different to everyone. Some people think the more money they make, the more successful they are. Others feel that having great family relationships is the most important thing. For some people a rock solid marriage is…
How To Stop Doubting Yourself
How To Stop Doubting Yourself Evеrуоnе fееlѕ self-doubt at least еvеrу once in a whilе. Hоwеvеr, high асhiеvеrѕ overcome thеir self-doubt, while others can tend to wаllоw in it аnd allow thеir self-doubt tо рrеvеnt thеm frоm асhiеving thеir gоаlѕ. Sеlf-dоubt sounds likе some of the following things in your head: “I’m nоt sure I…